ping reply stops after some time

peter.o.mueller at peter.o.mueller at
Thu Feb 22 16:26:38 UTC 2001


I have just finished to get our new 68332 hardware up and running (at
least partly). We use rtems (one of the latest snapshots) together with the
cs8900 driver from Chris Johns. Everythings looks fine so far.

After a fresh download (via bdm) my target replies to ping several
times, but after some time (e.g. 6 pings) there was no reply from my
target anymore. The target is still alive and I can break and debug it
using bdm. Looking on the network statistics (see below) shows that sill
ping requests (and lots of other stuff, becaus there is some network
traffic) are received, but the figures on the transmitter stand still.

I have no idea where to start debugging. My feeling is that the
transmitter task has stopped working, but I do not really know.

Can someone give me hints how to start debugging?

Thank you very much,

The following shows the statistics screen after there is no reply to

************ UDP Statistics ************
                total input packets           6
     of above, arrived as broadcast           6

************ TCP Statistics ************

Destination     Gateway/Mask/Hw    Flags     Refs     Use Expire
default       UGS         0        0      0 cs0      U           0        0      1 cs0                       UHL         1        0      1 cs0   00:10:4B:B2:04:78  UHL         0       69   1261 cs0
************ MBUF STATISTICS ************
mbufs: 512    clusters:  64    free:   0
drops:   0       waits:   0  drains:   0
      free:425           data:87          header:0           socket:0
       pcb:0           rtable:0           htable:0           atable:0
    soname:0           soopts:0           ftable:0           rights:0
    ifaddr:0          control:0          oobdata:0

************ INTERFACE STATISTICS ************
***** cs0 *****
Address:   Broadcast Address:
Flags: Up Broadcast Running Active Simplex
Send queue limit:50   length:22   Dropped:0
Network Driver Stats for CS8900 :
        rx ready len -         42        rx loaded len -          0
          rx packets -       3802           tx packets -         52
            rx bytes -     447003             tx bytes -       4946
       rx interrupts -       4556        tx interrupts -         51
          rx dropped -        377           rx no mbuf -          0
       rx no custers -       1259   rx oversize errors -          0
       rx crc errors -          0       rx runt errors -          0
    rx missed errors -        475                tx ok -         51
       tx collisions -          0        tx bid errors -          0
  tx wait for rdy4tx -          0            tx rdy4tx -          0
  tx underrun errors -          0           tx dropped -          0
          tx resends -          0        int swint req -         11
       int swint res -         11           int lockup -          0
          interrupts -       2586

************ IP Statistics ************
             total packets received        2340
  packets rcvd for unreachable dest        2265
 datagrams delivered to upper level          75
    total ip packets generated here          69

************ ICMP Statistics ************
                        Type 0 sent          69
                number of responses          69
                    Type 8 received          69

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