termios wakeup callback functions

Mike Siers mikes at poliac.com
Wed Jul 11 18:45:48 UTC 2001

The attached patch file will provide the ability to specify some
wakeup callback functions for termios.  Basically, this defines
a ttywakeup structure that is similar to the socket wakeup
structure.  The tty wakeup structures are set by using the
ioctl function.  

Basically, you use the RTEMS_IO_RCVWAKEUP or 
RTEMS_IO_SNDWAKEUP ioctl commands and pass in an 
address to a ttywakeup structure.  The wakeup functions are 
called if data has been received on a tty or if the send buffer 
has become empty on the tty.

The patch file was created from the 2001/05/25 snapshot.

Good Luck
Mike Siers

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