how can i move such function code which i did not use in my application progamme ?
red-eye at
red-eye at
Wed Jun 13 03:43:15 UTC 2001
i look at my rtems-helloworld.num file
00000000 A _PROM_START
00000000 A __DYNAMIC
00200000 A _PROM_END
00200000 A _PROM_SIZE
00400000 A _RAM_SIZE
01f80000 A _ERC32_MEC
02000000 A _RAM_START
02000000 T _start
02000000 T _text_start
02000000 T _trap_table
02000000 T start
02000000 T text_start
020007c0 T __ERC32_MEC_Timer_Control_Mirror
020007c0 T _rdb_start
020007e0 T _CLOCK_SPEED
02001000 T _hard_reset
02001154 T _BSP_fatal_return
02001170 T _Init
020011b0 T _exit
020011d0 T ___do_global_dtors
02001220 T ___do_global_ctors
02001298 T ___main
020012c0 T _window_overflow_trap_handler
02001318 T _window_underflow_trap_handler
02001370 T _window_flush_trap_handler
02001428 T _syscall
0200146c T _sparc_disable_interrupts
0200147c T _sparc_enable_interrupts
02001490 T _bsp_cleanup
020014a0 T _bsp_libc_init
020014f8 T _bsp_postdriver_hook
020015f0 T _bsp_start
020016bc T _bsp_pretasking_hook
02001710 T _boot_card
02001834 T _main
02001898 T _sbrk
020018b8 T _set_vector
02001c24 T _bsp_spurious_handler
02001f04 T _bsp_spurious_initialize
02001f8c T _itos
0200201c T _console_inbyte_nonblocking
020020c4 T _DEBUG_puts
020021fc T _console_reserve_resources
02002214 T _console_initialize
02002278 T _console_open
020022d0 T _console_close
020022e4 T _console_read
020022f8 T _console_write
0200230c T _console_control
02002320 T _console_outbyte_polled
0200238c T _console_write_support
0200244c T _getpid
02002454 T _libc_init
020024f0 T _libc_wrapup
02002564 T _libc_create_hook
02002580 T _libc_start_hook
0200260c T _libc_switch_hook
02002650 T _libc_delete_hook
020026d4 T __exit
02002750 T ___getpid
02002764 T _kill
0200276c T ___kill
02002774 T _sleep
020027a0 T _malloc
020028bc T _RTEMS_Malloc_Initialize
0200296c T _malloc_dump
02002974 T _malloc_walk
0200297c T _calloc
020029b0 T _free
02002a04 T _realloc
02002aa8 T __malloc_r
02002abc T __calloc_r
02002af0 T __free_r
02002b44 T __realloc_r
02002cbc T ___rtems_open
02002ea4 T ___rtems_close
02002ff0 T ___rtems_read
02003154 T ___rtems_write
020032b8 T ___rtems_ioctl
020033b0 T ___rtems_lseek
020034c0 T _rtems_libio_init
02003550 T _rtems_register_libio_handler
020035c8 T _rtems_fatal_error_occurred
020035e8 T __Interrupt_Manager_initialization
020035f0 T _rtems_interrupt_catch
02003640 T __CPU_Trap_slot_template
02003650 T __CPU_ISR_Get_level
02003664 T __CPU_Context_Initialize
020036b4 T __CPU_Initialize
0200374c T __CPU_ISR_install_raw_handler
020037ec T __CPU_ISR_install_vector
020038b8 T __CPU_Thread_Idle_body
020038c8 T __CPU_Context_save_fp
02003930 T __CPU_Context_restore_fp
02003998 T __CPU_Context_switch
020039e0 T __CPU_Context_restore_heir
02003ab4 T __CPU_Context_restore
02003ac4 T __ISR_Handler
02003cd8 T __ISR_Dispatch
02003db8 T _RTEMS
02003dd0 T _rtems_termios_open
020040cc T _rtems_termios_close
02004244 T _rtems_termios_ioctl
020048ec T _rtems_termios_write
0200556c T _rtems_termios_initialize
020055b8 T _rtems_termios_read
020056a0 T _rtems_termios_enqueue_raw_characters
02005700 T _rtems_termios_dequeue_characters
0200579c T _rtems_termios_reserve_resources
02005818 T __IO_Manager_initialization
0200589c T _rtems_io_register_name
02005934 T _rtems_io_lookup_name
020059a8 T _rtems_io_initialize
02005a0c T _rtems_io_open
02005a74 T _rtems_io_close
02005adc T _rtems_io_read
02005b44 T _rtems_io_write
02005bac T _rtems_io_control
02005c14 T __IO_Initialize_all_drivers
02005c58 T _rtems_extension_create
02005d90 T __Extension_Manager_initialization
02005dc8 T _rtems_extension_ident
02005e04 T _rtems_extension_delete
02005eb0 T _MY_task_set_note
02005ecc T _MY_task_get_note
02005edc T _MY_CPU_Context_FP_start
02005ee8 T _rtems_clock_get
02006014 T _rtems_clock_set
02006078 T _rtems_clock_tick
020060e8 T _rtems_task_create
02006300 T _rtems_task_start
0200643c T _rtems_task_restart
02006560 T _rtems_task_delete
020066c4 T _rtems_task_suspend
020067f8 T _rtems_task_resume
0200692c T _rtems_task_set_priority
02006a90 T _rtems_task_mode
02006bbc T _rtems_task_get_note
02006cf0 T _rtems_task_set_note
02006e14 T _rtems_task_wake_when
02006ef8 T __RTEMS_tasks_Initialize_user_tasks
02006fd0 T __RTEMS_tasks_Manager_initialization
02007048 T _rtems_task_ident
020070a0 T _rtems_task_wake_after
02007134 T __RTEMS_tasks_Create_extension
0200718c T __RTEMS_tasks_Start_extension
020071b8 T __RTEMS_tasks_Delete_extension
020071d8 T __RTEMS_tasks_Switch_extension
02007250 T _rtems_region_create
020073d0 T _rtems_region_delete
020074ac T _rtems_region_get_segment
02007608 T _rtems_region_return_segment
02007714 T __Region_Manager_initialization
02007758 T _rtems_region_extend
02007824 T _rtems_region_ident
02007860 T _rtems_region_get_segment_size
02007908 T _rtems_semaphore_create
02007b84 T _rtems_semaphore_delete
02007cdc T _rtems_semaphore_obtain
02007de0 T _rtems_semaphore_release
02007ed8 T __Semaphore_Manager_initialization
02007f20 T _rtems_semaphore_ident
02007f58 T __Semaphore_Translate_core_mutex_return_code
02007fc0 T __Semaphore_Translate_core_semaphore_return_code
02008028 T __Semaphore_Core_mutex_mp_support
0200804c T __Semaphore_Core_semaphore_mp_support
02008084 T _rtems_assoc_ptr_by_name
020080f0 T _rtems_assoc_ptr_by_remote
02008154 T _rtems_assoc_remote_by_local
020081c0 T _rtems_assoc_local_by_remote
0200822c T _rtems_assoc_remote_by_name
020082a0 T _rtems_assoc_local_by_name
02008314 T _rtems_assoc_name_by_local
02008384 T _rtems_assoc_name_by_remote
020083f4 T _rtems_assoc_remote_by_local_bitfield
02008498 T _rtems_assoc_name_by_local_bitfield
02008554 T _rtems_assoc_name_by_remote_bitfield
02008610 T _rtems_assoc_local_by_remote_bitfield
020086b4 T _rtems_assoc_ptr_by_local
02008718 T _rtems_assoc_name_bad
02008728 T __Internal_error_Occurred
02008778 T __Thread_Handler_initialization
02008884 T __Thread_Create_idle
0200893c T __Thread_Dispatch
02008ab4 T __Thread_Initialize
02008d84 T __Thread_Close
02008e8c T __Thread_Ready
02008fcc T __Thread_Set_state
02009154 T __Thread_Tickle_timeslice
0200927c T __Thread_Yield_processor
0200932c T __Thread_Change_priority
02009554 T __Thread_Start_multitasking
020095b0 T __Thread_Start
020095fc T __Thread_Restart
020096e8 T __Thread_Clear_state
020097c8 T __Thread_Set_transient
0200986c T __Thread_Reset_timeslice
02009900 T __Thread_Load_environment
0200996c T __Thread_Handler
02009a34 T __Thread_Delay_ended
02009af0 T __Thread_Set_priority
02009b5c T __Thread_Evaluate_mode
02009bb8 T __Workspace_Handler_initialization
02009c50 T __Workspace_Allocate_or_fatal_error
02009c88 T __Chain_Initialize
02009cc8 T __Chain_Extract
02009cf0 T __Chain_Get
02009d34 T __Chain_Insert
02009d60 T __Chain_Append
02009d90 T __Objects_Initialize_information
02009f7c T __Objects_Handler_initialization
02009fcc T __Objects_Clear_name
02009ffc T __Objects_Copy_name_string
0200a020 T __Objects_Copy_name_raw
0200a058 T __Objects_Compare_name_string
0200a0a8 T __Objects_Compare_name_raw
0200a0e8 T __Objects_Name_to_id
0200a220 T __Objects_Get
0200a2b8 T __Objects_Get_next
0200a3a4 T __Objects_Get_information
0200a3d8 T __TOD_Set
0200a4d0 T __TOD_To_seconds
0200a5a4 T __TOD_Tickle
0200a6b0 T __TOD_Handler_initialization
0200a764 T __TOD_Validate
0200a828 T __Watchdog_Insert
0200a92c T __Watchdog_Tickle
0200aa38 T __Watchdog_Handler_initialization
0200aa84 T __Watchdog_Remove
0200ab2c T __Watchdog_Adjust
0200abb8 T __Objects_MP_Global_name_search
0200ace4 T __Objects_MP_Handler_initialization
0200ad48 T __Objects_MP_Open
0200ad80 T __Objects_MP_Allocate_and_open
0200adf4 T __Objects_MP_Close
0200ae78 T __Objects_MP_Is_remote
0200af60 T __RTEMS_tasks_MP_Process_packet
0200b0f8 T __RTEMS_tasks_MP_Send_process_packet
0200b144 T __RTEMS_tasks_MP_Send_request_packet
0200b1f4 T __RTEMS_tasks_MP_Send_response_packet
0200b270 T __RTEMS_tasks_MP_Get_packet
0200b288 T __API_extensions_Initialization
0200b2a4 T __API_extensions_Add
0200b2c0 T __API_extensions_Run_predriver
0200b310 T __API_extensions_Run_postdriver
0200b360 T __API_extensions_Run_postswitch
0200b3b8 T __Heap_Allocate
0200b498 T __Heap_Free
0200b638 T __Heap_Initialize
0200b6c4 T __Heap_Extend
0200b754 T __Heap_Size_of_user_area
0200b7e4 T __Heap_Walk
0200b7f0 T __Region_MP_Process_packet
0200b934 T __Region_MP_Send_process_packet
0200b99c T __Region_MP_Send_request_packet
0200ba44 T __Region_MP_Send_response_packet
0200baac T __Region_MP_Send_extract_proxy
0200bb00 T __Region_MP_Get_packet
0200bb18 T __Thread_queue_Timeout
0200bc48 T __Thread_queue_Dequeue_fifo
0200bd48 T __Thread_queue_Enqueue_priority
0200bfc8 T __Thread_queue_Dequeue_priority
0200c148 T __Thread_queue_Extract_priority
0200c264 T __Thread_queue_Dequeue
0200c2a4 T __Thread_queue_Enqueue
0200c36c T __Thread_queue_Extract
0200c3ac T __Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy
0200c428 T __Thread_queue_First
0200c468 T __Thread_queue_Flush
0200c4f0 T __Thread_queue_Initialize
0200c574 T __Thread_queue_First_priority
0200c5ac T __Thread_queue_Enqueue_fifo
0200c6a4 T __Thread_queue_Extract_fifo
0200c768 T __Thread_queue_First_fifo
0200c788 T __Semaphore_MP_Process_packet
0200c8a8 T __Semaphore_MP_Send_process_packet
0200c910 T __Semaphore_MP_Send_request_packet
0200c9b0 T __Semaphore_MP_Send_response_packet
0200ca18 T __Semaphore_MP_Send_object_was_deleted
0200ca54 T __Semaphore_MP_Send_extract_proxy
0200caa8 T __Semaphore_MP_Get_packet
0200cac0 T __CORE_mutex_Seize
0200cc7c T __CORE_mutex_Surrender
0200cdb4 T __CORE_mutex_Initialize
0200ce44 T __CORE_mutex_Flush
0200ce60 T __CORE_semaphore_Initialize
0200cea0 T __CORE_semaphore_Seize
0200cf1c T __CORE_semaphore_Surrender
0200cf6c T __CORE_semaphore_Flush
0200cf88 T __User_extensions_Thread_create
0200cff8 T __User_extensions_Thread_delete
0200d04c T __User_extensions_Thread_start
0200d0a4 T __User_extensions_Thread_restart
0200d0fc T __User_extensions_Thread_begin
0200d14c T __User_extensions_Thread_exitted
0200d198 T __User_extensions_Fatal
0200d1f0 T __Thread_MP_Allocate_proxy
0200d2dc T __Thread_MP_Handler_initialization
0200d350 T __Thread_MP_Find_proxy
0200d3f0 T __TOD_Days_per_month
0200d458 T __TOD_Days_to_date
0200d48c T __TOD_Days_since_last_leap_year
0200d494 T __Initialization_Default_multiprocessing_table
0200d4a8 T _rtems_initialize_executive_early
0200d77c T _rtems_initialize_executive
0200d79c T _rtems_initialize_executive_late
0200d7c0 T _rtems_shutdown_executive
0200d800 T __RTEMS_API_Initialize
0200d878 T __Multiprocessing_Manager_initialization
0200d880 T _rtems_multiprocessing_announce
0200d89c T __MPCI_Handler_initialization
0200d8a4 T __MPCI_Create_server
0200d8ac T __MPCI_Initialization
0200d8b4 T __MPCI_Register_packet_processor
0200d8bc T __MPCI_Get_packet
0200d8d8 T __MPCI_Return_packet
0200d8f4 T __MPCI_Send_process_packet
0200d910 T __MPCI_Send_request_packet
0200d92c T __MPCI_Send_response_packet
0200d948 T __MPCI_Receive_packet
0200d964 T __MPCI_Process_response
0200d980 T __MPCI_Receive_server
0200d99c T __MPCI_Announce
0200d9b8 T __MPCI_Internal_packets_Send_process_packet
0200d9d4 T __MPCI_Internal_packets_Process_packet
0200d9f0 T __MPCI_Internal_packets_Get_packet
0200da10 T __Timer_Manager_initialization
0200da18 T _rtems_timer_create
0200da34 T _rtems_timer_ident
0200da50 T _rtems_timer_cancel
0200da6c T _rtems_timer_delete
0200da88 T _rtems_timer_fire_after
0200daa4 T _rtems_timer_fire_when
0200dac0 T _rtems_timer_reset
0200dae0 T __Message_queue_Manager_initialization
0200dae8 T _rtems_message_queue_create
0200db04 T _rtems_message_queue_ident
0200db20 T _rtems_message_queue_delete
0200db3c T _rtems_message_queue_send
0200db58 T _rtems_message_queue_urgent
0200db74 T _rtems_message_queue_broadcast
0200db90 T _rtems_message_queue_receive
0200dbac T _rtems_message_queue_flush
0200dbc8 T __Message_queue_Submit
0200dbe4 T __Message_queue_Flush_support
0200dc00 T __Message_queue_Seize
0200dc20 T __Event_Manager_initialization
0200dc28 T _rtems_event_send
0200dc44 T _rtems_event_receive
0200dc60 T __Signal_Manager_initialization
0200dc68 T _rtems_signal_catch
0200dc84 T _rtems_signal_send
0200dca0 T __Partition_Manager_initialization
0200dca8 T _rtems_partition_create
0200dcc4 T _rtems_partition_ident
0200dce0 T _rtems_partition_delete
0200dcfc T _rtems_partition_get_buffer
0200dd18 T _rtems_partition_return_buffer
0200dd38 T __Dual_ported_memory_Manager_initialization
0200dd40 T _rtems_port_create
0200dd5c T _rtems_port_ident
0200dd78 T _rtems_port_delete
0200dd94 T _rtems_port_external_to_internal
0200ddb0 T _rtems_port_internal_to_external
0200ddd0 T __Rate_monotonic_Manager_initialization
0200ddd8 T _rtems_rate_monotonic_create
0200ddf4 T _rtems_rate_monotonic_ident
0200de10 T _rtems_rate_monotonic_cancel
0200de2c T _rtems_rate_monotonic_delete
0200de48 T _rtems_rate_monotonic_period
0200de64 T __Rate_monotonic_Timeout
0200de80 T __Rate_monotonic_Set_state
0200dea0 T __printf_r
0200ded0 T _printf
0200df70 T ___sfmoreglue
0200dfcc T ___sfp
0200e09c T __cleanup_r
0200e0b8 T __cleanup
0200e0d0 T ___sinit
0200e140 T ___errno
0200e17c T ___assert
0200e1b8 T _cleanup_glue
0200e1e8 T __reclaim_reent
0200e2f0 T __wrapup_reent
0200e378 T _fclose
0200e488 T _memset
0200e550 T _memcpy
0200e648 T _strlen
0200e6e0 T _strncmp
0200e7f8 T _strcmp
0200e8e0 T _strcat
0200ea4c T _vfprintf
0200eae4 T __vfprintf_r
02010200 T ___sread
0201024c T ___swrite
0201029c T ___sseek
020102f0 T ___sclose
02010308 T _fflush
020103f8 T __fwalk
02010458 T _fiprintf
02010488 T _abort
020104a0 T _strcpy
02010578 T ___sfvwrite
02010944 T __setlocale_r
020109a4 T __localeconv_r
020109b0 T _setlocale
020109d0 T _localeconv
020109e8 T ___swsetup
02010b10 T __mbtowc_r
02010e58 T _isinf
02010e90 T _isnan
02010eb8 T _memchr
020111dc T __dtoa_r
020123ac T _vfiprintf
02012424 T __vfiprintf_r
02013038 T _raise
02013054 T __raise_r
02013078 T _memmove
02013100 T ___smakebuf
02013250 T __Balloc
020132e8 T __Bfree
02013318 T __multadd
020133f8 T __s2b
020134b8 T __hi0bits
02013538 T __lo0bits
02013604 T __i2b
02013628 T __mult
02013844 T __pow5mult
02013928 T __lshift
02013a28 T ___mcmp
02013a90 T ___mdiff
02013bf0 T __ulp
02013c7c T __b2d
02013d7c T __d2b
02013eb0 T __ratio
02013f44 T __mprec_log10
02013f90 T _isatty
02013fd8 T .umul
020140c0 T .udiv
020140c8 T .div
02014370 T .urem
02014378 T .rem
02014620 T __Debug_Manager_initialization
02014634 T _rtems_debug_enable
02014648 T _rtems_debug_disable
0201465c T __Debug_Is_enabled
02014670 T __ISR_Handler_initialization
020146d8 T __close_r
020146ec T __fstat_r
02014704 T __getpid_r
02014718 T __kill_r
02014730 T __lseek_r
0201474c T __open_r
02014768 T __read_r
02014784 T __stat_r
0201479c T __write_r
020147b8 T _fstat
020147d0 T _read
020147ec T _write
02014808 T _open
02014824 T _close
02014838 T _lseek
02014854 T _ioctl
020148f0 T _stat
02014928 T ___rtems_fstat
020149a0 T _link
020149a8 T _unlink
020149b0 T _getcwd
020149d4 T __puts_r
02014a3c T _puts
02014a70 T __CTOR_LIST__
02014a70 T _etext
02014a70 T etext
02014a78 T __CTOR_END__
02014a78 T __DTOR_LIST__
02014a80 T __DTOR_END__
02014a80 D _data_start
02014a80 T _endtext
02014a80 D _rtems_libio_number_iops
02014a80 D _sdata
02014a80 D data_start
02014a84 D _Initialization_tasks
02014aa0 D _Device_drivers
02014ad0 D _Configuration_Initial_Extensions
02014af0 D _Configuration_RTEMS_API
02014b18 D _Configuration
02014b68 D _libc_global_reent
02014e58 D _errno_assoc
02014edc D _access_modes_assoc
02014f0c D _status_flags_assoc
02014f40 D __sparc_fq
02014f50 D __RTEMS_tasks_API_extensions
02014f64 D __RTEMS_tasks_User_extensions
02014fb0 D __Thread_Idle_name
02014fb8 D ___log2table
020150b8 D __Copyright_Notice
02015130 D __RTEMS_version
02015160 D __Entry_points
020152a8 D __Status_Object_name_errors_to_status
020155a4 D __impure_ptr
020155a8 D __ctype_
020156e0 D ___mb_cur_max
02015ad0 D ___mprec_tens
02015b98 D ___mprec_bigtens
02015bc0 D ___mprec_tinytens
02015bf8 B __bss_start
02015bf8 B _bss_start
02015bf8 D _edata
02015bf8 B bss_start
02015c00 D edata
02015d88 B stack_space
02019d88 B ___DTOR_LIST__
02019d90 B ___CTOR_LIST__
02019d98 B _bsp_isr_level
02019d9c B _rtems_progname
02019da0 B _BSP_Configuration
02019dd8 B _Cpu_table
02019e00 B _libc_reentrant
02019e08 B _RTEMS_Malloc_Heap
02019e0c B _RTEMS_Malloc_Sbrk_amount
02019e10 B _rtems_libio_iops
02019e14 B _rtems_libio_semaphore
02019e18 B _rtems_libio_last_iop
02019e20 B __Watchdog_Sync_level
02019e24 B __MPCI_table
02019e28 B __Context_Switch_necessary
02019e2c B __CPU_Interrupt_stack_low
02019e30 B __Thread_Ticks_per_timeslice
02019e34 B __Thread_Maximum_extensions
02019e38 B __MPCI_Receive_server_tcb
02019e3c B __Debug_Level
02019e40 B __IO_Number_of_devices
02019e44 B __IO_Number_of_drivers
02019e48 B __MPCI_Semaphore
02019e90 B __CPU_Null_fp_context
02019f18 B __Configuration_Table
02019f1c B __CPU_Interrupt_stack_high
02019f20 B __TOD_Seconds_since_epoch
02019f24 B __TOD_Is_set
02019f28 B __Thread_Allocated_fp
02019f2c B __ISR_Nest_level
02019f30 B __Thread_BSP_context
02019fb8 B __User_extensions_List
02019fc4 B __IO_Driver_address_table
02019fc8 B __Thread_queue_Extract_table
0201a010 B __Watchdog_Seconds_chain
0201a020 B __Thread_MP_Inactive_proxies
0201a02c B __TOD_Ticks_per_second
0201a030 B __Thread_Do_post_task_switch_extension
0201a034 B __IO_Driver_name_table
0201a038 B __ISR_Vector_table
0201a438 B __Thread_Ready_chain
0201a440 B __MPCI_Remote_blocked_threads
0201a480 B _Internal_errors_What_happened
0201a490 B __API_extensions_List
0201a49c B __Priority_Major_bit_map
0201a4a0 B __Watchdog_Ticks_since_boot
0201a4a8 B __Extension_Information
0201a4dc B __Objects_MP_Maximum_global_objects
0201a4e0 B __CPU_Table
0201a508 B __System_state_Is_multiprocessing
0201a50c B __ISR_Signals_to_thread_executing
0201a510 B __Thread_MP_Active_proxies
0201a520 B __Watchdog_Ticks_chain
0201a52c B __Thread_Executing
0201a530 B __Configuration_MP_table
0201a534 B __Watchdog_Sync_count
0201a538 B __Objects_Maximum_nodes
0201a53c B __Thread_Heir
0201a540 B __Priority_Bit_map
0201a560 B __MPCI_Packet_processors
0201a580 B __Thread_Internal_information
0201a5b8 B __Objects_MP_Inactive_global_objects
0201a5c4 B __Thread_MP_Receive
0201a5c8 B _rtems_ada_self
0201a5cc B __Thread_Dispatch_disable_level
0201a5d0 B __TOD_Microseconds_per_tick
0201a5d4 B __System_state_Current
0201a5d8 B __Objects_Local_node
0201a5e0 B __Workspace_Area
0201a600 B __Objects_Information_table
0201a648 B __TOD_Current
0201a668 B __TOD_Seconds_watchdog
0201a690 B __Thread_Idle
0201a698 B __RTEMS_tasks_Number_of_initialization_tasks
0201a6a0 B __Dual_ported_memory_Information
0201a6d4 B __RTEMS_tasks_User_initialization_tasks
0201a6d8 B __Region_Information
0201a710 B __RTEMS_tasks_Information
0201a748 B __Partition_Information
0201a780 B __Timer_Information
0201a7b4 B __Event_Sync_state
0201a7b8 B __Semaphore_Information
0201a7f0 B __Rate_monotonic_Information
0201a828 B __Message_queue_Information
0201a85c B end
0201a860 B __end
0201a860 B _end
02400000 A _RAM_END
in the hello-world programe ,you know,i did not use many function in the rtems-helloworld.num.why it compile in my code size? such as 0200ce60 T __CORE_semaphore_Initialize
0200cea0 T __CORE_semaphore_Seize
0200cf1c T __CORE_semaphore_Surrender
0200cf6c T __CORE_semaphore_Flush
obviously,in the hello-world programe ,i did not use semaphore
can you tell me why ?
and how can i move such function code which i did not use in my application progamme ? use confdefs? but how ?
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