Exception problems in released 4.5.0 on mcp750

Eric Valette valette at crf.canon.fr
Thu Mar 8 16:18:52 UTC 2001

gregory.menke at gsfc.nasa.gov wrote:
> I've been having frequent exception 3 and exception 7 asserts on the
> mcp750, often associated with setting up the tcp/ip stack, but also
> with the networking not initialized at all.  I can boot a version of
> Bluecat Linux on the 750 with no trouble at all.
> RTEMS is configured with posix and networking, no itron, c++ or remote
> debugging.  I've tried other configurations (with c++ and remote
> debugging) and the problem is identical.
> It has intermittently worked before today.  At this point I think I'm
> going to have to go back to the 4.5 beta in order to get it to run at
> all...

Hello. I'm the guy that wrote the excption handling code :-)

What compiler tools have you been using? What is at the PC of the fault?

> Fexception handler called for exception 3
>          Next PC or Address of fault = 52e04 <========

Do you have any CompaqPCI board that may be not corrrectly

  /  `                   	Eric Valette - Canon CRF
 /--   __  o _.          	Canon Development Europe Team Leader
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E-mail: valette at crf.canon.fr	http://www.crf.canon.fr

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