Definitely something funny with the mcp750

gregory.menke at gregory.menke at
Thu Mar 8 20:00:59 UTC 2001

Attached is the full trickle of an example exception.  I can cause the
exception at will by including a C file that contains 1100 or so bytes
of static data, arranged as follows;

char confdata[]= "......

The data itself is the contents of an ascii config file, no graphics
chars.  The file into which I'm including/not including the file above
is the rtems startup code, which I'd be happy to supply as needed.

If I don't include the file that has the definition of confdata above,
then RTEMS starts up happily.  If I do include it, then RTEMS bombs as
shown below.  If its verboten to include data defined in such a way,
please tell what way it should be done... 

I'm using the linux hosted tools on a 2.2.18 Debian system.



Copyright Motorola Inc. 1988 - 1998, All Rights Reserved

PPC1 Debugger/Diagnostics Release Version 4.1 - 10/12/98 RM01
COLD Start

Local Memory Found =02000000 (&33554432)

WARNING: Board Configuration Data Failure

MPU Clock Speed =233Mhz

BUS Clock Speed =67Mhz

WARNING: Keyboard Not Connected

Reset Vector Location  : ROM Bank B
Mezzanine Configuration: Single-MPU
Current 60X-Bus Master : MPU0
Idle MPU(s)            : NONE

System Memory: 32MB, ECC Enabled (ECC-Memory Detected)
L2Cache:       1024KB, 117Mhz

Network Booting from: DEC21140, Controller 0, Device 0
Device Name: /pci at 80000000/pci1011,9 at e,0:0,0
Loading: bootimage

Client IP Address      =
Server IP Address      =
Gateway IP Address     =
Subnet IP Address Mask =
Boot File Name         = bootimage
Argument File Name     =

Network Boot File load in progress... To abort hit <BREAK>

Bytes Received =&250648, Bytes Loaded =&250648
Bytes/Second   =&250648, Elapsed Time =1 Second(s)

Residual-Data Located at: $01F78000

Model: (e2)
Serial: MOT0000000
Processor/Bus frequencies (Hz): 233347744/66670784
Time Base Divisor: 4000
Memory Size: 2000000
Original MSR: 3040
Original HID0: 80a4
Original R31: 0

PCI: Probing PCI hardware

RTEMS 4.x/PPC load:
Uncompressing the kernel...
Kernel at 0x00000000, size=0x76670
Initrd at 0x00000000, size=0x0
Residual data at 0x00077000
Command line at 0x0007e000
Now booting...
Welcome to RTEMS RELEASE rtems-4.5.0(PowerPC/PowerPC 750/mcp750) on Mesquite cPCI (MCP750)
RTEMS RELEASE rtems-4.5.0(PowerPC/PowerPC 750/mcp750) PANIC OpenPic Not found

exception handler called for exception 12
         Next PC or Address of fault = 12cc8
         Saved MSR = 3032
         R0 = 12cc4
         R1 = 775b0
         R2 = 0
         R3 = 4f
         R4 = 5ab28
         R5 = 0
         R6 = 0
         R7 = 77590
         R8 = 77180
         R9 = 800003f8
         R10 = 5c9d4
         R11 = 20
         R12 = ffffffff
         R13 = 1f73d40
         R14 = 0
         R15 = 0
         R16 = 0
         R17 = 0
         R18 = 0
         R19 = 0
         R20 = 0
         R21 = 0
         R22 = 74ef4
         R23 = ffffffff
         R24 = 7e00f
         R25 = 6e4b0
         R26 = 5ff14
         R27 = 6e480
         R28 = 60000
         R29 = 60000
         R30 = 62674
         R31 = 775c0
         CR = 28800024
         CTR = 0
         XER = 20000000
         LR = 12cc4
         MSR = 60000
unrecoverable exception!!! Push reset button

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