what brands of 683xx BDM modules are in use?

Bogic Petrovic boggy at elab.tmf.bg.ac.yu
Wed Mar 14 18:37:45 UTC 2001

Chris Johns wrote:
> Bogic Petrovic wrote:
> >
> > ...and NT become unstable... I tested it with my radio card... my NT be
> > frozen from time to time...
> >
> Ok. I will watch out for this. It maybe a function of the radio driver.
> I do not think GiveIO will be maintained into the future which is also a
> concern. Then again I could be wrong. I am not a Windows programmer or
> user.

giveio.sys make kernel transparent for user-level access to periphery
devices (like Win95), and we don't know how other devices work with

> >
> > No, this is a generic parallel port driver for sale, BDM works without
> > this driver, you need only driver from tar.gz pakage...
> > http://www.zeecube.com/bdm/nt-bdm-19990908.tar.gz
> >
> Ok, I did not understand this. I will look over the code again at
> somestage in the future.
> Is it compiled by Cygwin or a commercial compiler ?

You have in tar.gz archive (both) source and compiled .sys file.
Microsoft doesn't change kernel :) (compatibility problem!),... 
with Service Pack 3 or higher (SP6 is the latest and free), 
driver doesn't have problems with NT4.0.
I don't know what GNU/GPL compiler can compile this code.
My colleague work with compiler inside Visual Studio 6 + SDK/DDK
(Software Development Kit & Device Driver Development Kit).
Visual Studio 6 (compiler) is not free, but SDK/DDK (libraries) is free;
You will find at:
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/developr/platformsdk/oct2000/  is the latest.

But bdm.sys is free like giveio.sys... where the problem is?

I'm not a programmer , I'm only hardware engineer, 
an I'm sorry for my broken english.


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