User or Supervisor

Eric Norum eric.norum at
Fri Nov 16 16:43:43 UTC 2001

Gerke Kok wrote:
> Hello RTEMS-gen68360 users,
> I here have a strange question. Does the CPU-context_switch need to be run in Supervisor-mode or can it be run in user-mode as well. It looks like my system has trouble with this. Is traps to an interupt when the instruction movew d1,sr is executed. This is in the one in the m68k-BSP shared code.
> My situation:
> I use rtems-4.5.0 and a modified version of the gen68360-BSP
> Tool-chain nicely provided by OAR (thanks a LOT!)
> The board loads the code (hello.exe) via a propriety TFTP-client into memory starting at 0x408000 and starts executing it.

RTEMS is superviser-only.
As you discovered, lots of things will break if you try to run in user

Eric Norum                                 eric.norum at
Department of Electrical Engineering       Phone: (306) 966-5394
University of Saskatchewan                 FAX:   (306) 966-5407
Saskatoon, Canada.

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