PPP resources

Mike Siers mikes at poliac.com
Mon Nov 26 15:08:28 UTC 2001

I have not tried measuring the resources used by pppd.  How are
you doing this?  I am willing to run a similar test on my board.  
Please send me some sample code so I can try this out.

Mike Siers

-----Original Message-----
From: mirko at dkts.co.yu [mailto:mirko at dkts.co.yu]On Behalf Of Mirko
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:14 AM
Subject: PPP resources

Did anyone measure the resources that PPP needs on RTEMS?
I connected my board ( 32 MHz 68360 4 mb RAM with 3 wait states) 
to a PC via 38.4 kbps serial link, and it seams that PPP eats up 
to 30% of CPU time. Furthermore, it looks like sending ppp packets 
(i.e. FTP download from board to a PC) consumes much more CPU time
than receiving.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it supposed to be that way?

Thanks in advance.

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