problems adding targets to libfs

Matthew J Fletcher amimjf at
Thu Nov 29 13:49:36 UTC 2001

On Wednesday 28 Nov 2001 12:01 pm, Joel Sherrill wrote:
> > > 1.  Did you run bootstrap in the libfs directory?
> >
> > yes,. it complained about not having the EMBEDDED_C_ and UNIX_C
> > variables, but nothing else.
> If you are using the snapshots are you using the latest RTEMS autotools?

no, im using the generic GNU autotools, is there a diffrence ?

> > > I assume there is not a typo in the name libjffs.a. :)
> > >
> > > Is this the Linux JFFS?  And did the licensing question get resolved?
> >
> > well i took it from the 2.4.8 tree sources, but its hardly a linux fs
> > (looking at all the compatablity stuff that was added).
> >
> > licensing,. ? (missed that discussion, sorry) its under the GPL2, jffs2
> > is issued under the GPL2 and RedHats eCos licence,..
> >
> > is that a problem ?

> Read them closely for commercial use.  I believe the GPL requires the
> code you link with it to become GPL 

yep, my understanding is simmilar,.. im going to make a rash statement now 
but why dont you go for the dual licencing that IBM / Mozilla / Sun use ?, 
where suff is issued under a number of licnences, the user gets to pic and 
choose what one they want to use.

for example if your a commerical company you can use the RTEMS licence 
and you get to write all your own drivers / filesystems,,. and if your (well 
anyone else), you can take it under the GPL and use the drivers and 
filesystems that have been pulled over from linux,.

just an idea.

> and only RedHat can give commercial
> rights
> under the eCos license.  I thought someone was porting the Linux flash
> memory device code and filesystem and had negotiated permission to
> include the RTEMS paragraph.
> NOTE: You said GPL2 and I don't know if you mean the vanilla GPL or
> a modified one.

nope, i just use GPL2 to distingush from the original GPL (but they are the 
same, in all but icky legal details),. 


Matthew J Fletcher              	amimjf at
Software Engineering		Matthew.Fletcher at		    	ICQ amimjf 44193496

Since when did ignorance become a point of view ??

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