Netdemo examples Working on i386
Bill Butler
billb at
Wed Apr 24 13:42:40 UTC 2002
I thought I would update everyone that I have the netdemo working with
the i386/pc486 bsp.
I moved to the latest snapshot (20020301) and updated my tools. Now the
demo complained about a NE2000 timeout. After some more searching I
discovered this was because I had the wrong IRQ on the NIC card.
I could not really find any utilities I thought I was stuck. Luckily,
Win95 was installed on this 486 machine I was using and when I tried to
install the nic card It showed me the setting (irq3,0x300). Changing
this got me up and running.
So in summary, if you want to used a ne2000 nic card with netdemo you
need to
1) Set to your card type in bsp.h. All supported cards are listed now
2) Add number of File handle to something more reasonable in init.c
3) Set your IRQ on your nic card to 5 or modify the netdriver_config
structure in netconfigure.h for the demo code the following to the
static struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig netdriver_config = {
RTEMS_BSP_NETWORK_DRIVER_ATTACH, /* attach function */
&loopback_config, /* link to next interface */
NULL, /* No more interfaces */
#if (defined (RTEMS_USE_BOOTP))
NULL, /* BOOTP supplies IP address */
NULL, /* BOOTP supplies IP net mask */
"", /* IP address */
"", /* IP net mask */
#endif /* !RTEMS_USE_BOOTP */
ethernet_address, /* Ethernet hardware address */
NULL, /* Driver supplies hardware address
/* configure the IRQ in this section 0 = default*/
0, /* ignore_broadcast */
0, /* mtu */
0, /* rbuf_count */
0, /* xbuf_count*/
0, /* port use default of 0x300 */
3, /* irno */
0, /* bpar*/
Hope that helps
PS. I believe that the 4.5.0 version would have worked fine if I had the
IRQ set correctly. It's just that the newer version of the driver gave
an error message that Interrupts weren't working!
Bill Butler
AIPCom Inc
972-644-2328 x16
bbill at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Butler [mailto:billb at]
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 10:05 AM
> To: 'Eric Norum'
> Cc: 'rtems-users at'
> Subject: RE: Netdemo examples.
> > From: Eric Norum [mailto:eric.norum at]
> > On Monday, April 22, 2002, at 08:06 AM, Bill Butler wrote:
> >
> > > I bet this has been answered before but I still can not get the
> > > search to work and have searched back to last april with now
> > >
> > > I have the Netdemo4-5.0/netdemo up and working for the most part
on a
> > > i386/PC486 BSP. I using the 4.5.0 release (no snapshots). I can
> the
> > > demo to come up and request and receive an IP using BOOTP when in
> BootP
> > > mode. It displays no errors and is able to create, bind, listen,
> accept
> > > sockets.
> > > The "u" test seems to work but "t" or tcp/ip test times out --
> > > "Can't connect socket: Connection timed out".
> > >
> > > I have also tried to hardcode its IP with the same results.
> >
> > Is the TCP`discard' socket active on the machine you're trying to
> > connect to from the RTEMS machine?
> Unsure.. I need to look into this since I'm not really familiar with
> Discard socket. I have tried both uncommenting the and
> it to the machine I'm trying to use telnet on. (ie my
> box)
> >
> > >
> > > Trying to ping the pc running Rtems/netdemo times out and trying
> > > connect using telnet 24742 does not work as
> > >
> > > To me this sounds like a TCP/IP problem more than the demo problem
> I
> > > am hesitant to move on with development until I get this demo
> >
> > Is the RTEMS machine configured to accept broadcast packets?
> > Can you run a packet sniffer and see exactly what's happening on
> > network?
> I have not changed anything on the demo except to enable BootP and add
> more files handles. When I use the sniffer It does not look to me that
> Rtems box tries to except the telnet session. But I need to look into
> more but I really thought the netDemo should work pretty much as is.
> Thanks
> Bill
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