AW: Booting RTEMS PC386 via dos prompt

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at
Tue Dec 10 21:29:48 UTC 2002

John Bebbington wrote:

>John Bebbington wrote:
>>Thanks Luca,
>>I want to tell you that the modified x.exe works just fine on the target.
>>I would like to ask you if I could send our e-mail correspondence to a
>>users-group called rtems-users at There
>>are some people there who would be interested in:
>>1) the eXtender allowing rtems programs to boot directly from dos.
>>2) the minimal stack problem and the proposed solution to in-line the
>>prerequite code before stack establishment.
>>3) when the new version of the eXtender.exe with minimal stack will be
>>available on your web-site for download.
>>thanks again for providing this feature.
>>John Bebbington.
This sounds great!!

>Luca wrote:
>I am more than happy to see people that are willing to use x.exe,
>and if it can be useful to someone I am willing to help as much as I can.
>>There are some people there who would be interested in:
>>the eXtender allowing rtems programs to boot directly from dos.
>Good. In my experience, the eXtender can speed-up the development and
>process (if the rtems application does not corrupt dos memory, when it
>finishes it can simply return to DOS, without rebooting the system).
This does not really concern me as I would only like to Run a DOS 
program first (to check the serial port for a new RTEMS exe to be 
written to hard drive) and then boot to RTEMS until machine is turned 
off. i.e. Never return to DOS.
 I could probably do this via autoexec.bat?

>I think it will be available in 2 days or 3. Unfortunately, I am finishing
>my PhD, and I can work on the eXtender only in my spare time... I am just
>finishing to review the changes that I made, and after that I'll release the
>new version. Since I did some other changes in ELF parsing, I'll probably
>need your help to test the new version before releasing it...
So what would be required on our part to test this?

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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