Porting Rtems code( TCP/IP) stack on proprietary RTOs

Vinod Singh vksingh at npi.stpn.soft.net
Sat Jan 5 07:43:08 UTC 2002


We  have to do Rtems code porting to some proprietary Real Time
Operating system. The following options are used for configuration
rtems-4.5.0 code:

"../rtems-4.5.0/configure  --target=i386-rtems --prefix=/usr/local
--enable-cxx --enable-gmake-print-directory --disable-tests
--disable-posix --enable-networking --enable-bare-cpu-cflags=pentium
--enable-bare-cpu-model=pentium --enable-rtemsbsp=bare "

The required target is not supported on rtems so we have chosen i386.
The bsp is bare and cpu model is pentium. My queries are :

1. Is there any method to configure for no-cpu target? When we have
tried to do that it takes by default host target on which it is running.

2. How to segregate target specific stuff from the code ? Any pointer in
this direction will be highly appreciated.


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