[leon_sparc] Re: CRLF vs (just) LF

Ralf Corsepius corsepiu at faw.uni-ulm.de
Thu Jan 17 12:51:19 UTC 2002

Am Don, 2002-01-17 um 13.27 schrieb Jarl Friis:
> Ralf Corsepius <corsepiu at faw.uni-ulm.de> writes:
> > Am Don, 2002-01-17 um 12.48 schrieb Jarl Friis:
> > > I just installed and ran the rtems-hello.c program.
> > > 
> > > One thing that I find annoying is that the "\n" character in the
> > > printf string translates to CR LF (two bytes). I expected that it
> > > would as on any other relevant OS generate only LF. I doubt this is an
> > > RTEMS issue but related to the sparc-rtems-gcc version found on
> > > www.gaisler.com.
> > > 
> > > Can someone direct of where to start to look to resolve this problem?
> > * termios, c.f. [I|O]CRNL, [I|O]NLCR etc.
> eh?, I think I kind of wanted a path to a file in the srouce tree?
> What are you trying to say here. I assume that we agree to LF==NL.
OK, apparently, I was too brief.

With termios-supported console-drivers, automatic LF->CR-LF conversion
is a setable attribute of termios (cf. man tcgetattr, man tcsetattr).

Therefore, you might want to read man termios (rsp. man termio on some
hosts), read RTEMS's termios.h, and check for the flags ICRNL, OCRNL,
INLCR, ONLCR, which are involved into processing of CR/LFs.

Yes, LF==NL. 

Termios uses the abbreviation NL instead of LF.

> > 
> > * console-drivers: AFAIK, some (non-termios-based) console drivers apply
> > LF->CRLF conversion (Note: These are console-drivers, not serial
> > drivers, being applicable for general serial IO purposes.)
> > 
> > * Check the settings of your terminal.
> My terminal does not do that. it is an issue of the compiled
> rtems-hello program. the (rest) of tsim does not generate CRLF (only
> in one line (using perf), which I consider a bug. Any other app
> behaves as expected as well
This normally is a customizable option of terminal programs, similar to
baud-rates, parity-checking etc.

[I haven't seen any terminal emulator which doesn't have this options.]


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