termios with outputUsesInterrupts=TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN

Mike Siers mikes at poliac.com
Thu Jan 31 14:29:47 UTC 2002

Hi Stan,
I believe the TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN mode was added to support
the pppd application.  Currently, if you want to use pppd then
your BSP console driver must be updated to support this
TASK_DRIVEN mode.  If you do not plan on using pppd, then this
mode is not needed.

As a side note, I have made a new port of the pppd application
that does not require the use of TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN mode.  This
version of pppd should work with any BSP and also fixes the
large packet problem of the current version.  I will be posting
this version back to the RTEMS source tree.  If anyone is 
interested in helping test it, please contact me.

Mike Siers

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan [mailto:zylog at club-internet.fr]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 10:53 AM
To: rtems-users at oarcorp.com
Subject: termios with outputUsesInterrupts=TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN 


Does anyone use termios with TERMIOS_TASK_DRIVEN mode ?

I am looking for an example source of console.c with that.

Thanks a lot.

        Stan .

Note: my BSP running properly with outputUsesInterrupts = 0, but not with
outputUsesInterrupts 2.

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