Rtems Rebuild Remake Question

Ian Caddy ianc at microsol.iinet.net.au
Fri Mar 8 02:28:43 UTC 2002

Hi Joel,

I think the 5307 BSP that Bill was talking about was the one the we ported
over to 4.5.0 from Fiddes original one.

We have had no problems with it under 4.5.0, although we did copy it over to a
custom BSP and have since been changing it.

Bill, does this process work OK when you use the 4.5.0 release, or is it
broken for that release also?

Ian Caddy

Joel Sherrill wrote:

> I suspect that what you are running into is that David Fiddes' BSP is
> based upon an old RTEMS version which is before we began using automake.
> You will need to switch to Makefile.am's in order to merge into the
> current BSP.  I suggest using the Makefile.am's from the mcf5206elite
> and modifying them to match the files in the sbc5307.  bootstrap is
> trying to generate Makefile.am's from Makefile.in's at development
> time.  configure generates Makefile's from Makefile.in's at build time.
> [NOTE: This is actually covered much better in the class than in the
> written documentation.]



ianc at microsol.iinet.net.au
Microsol (Aust) Pty Ltd

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