Debug vs. Release compilations of application

Brett Swimley brett.swimley at
Wed Mar 27 17:29:35 UTC 2002


I'm trying to determine the "correct" way to build debug vs. release
versions of my application. I'm using rtems-ss-20011005.

My /make/custom/bsp.cfg file specifies:

CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_V = -O4 -fomit_frame_pointer

My makefile is based upon the example makefile found in the
hello_world_c-4.5.0.tgz file on the oar ftp site.

I'm assuming:

make debug:
will build my application sources with CFLAGS += CFLAGS_DEBUG_V (which I
currently do not have defined)

make all
will build my application sources with CFLAGS += CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_V (as
defined above).

It appears that these flags are not applied when I perform a make all.

Is there a preferred method (using automake, etc.) of creating a makefile
for my application build?


Brett Swimley
Sr. Design Engineer
Advanced Electronic Designs, Inc.
brett.swimley at
ph: 406-585-8892
fax: 406-585-8893

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