how to use gdb emulator?

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Thu May 2 11:26:55 UTC 2002

Jack Cawkwell wrote:
> Hi,
> I have managed to build a powerPC version of rtems,
> and am trying to run the hello_world example in the
> debugger.
> I got as far as:
> target sim
> load hello.exe
> run

Look at the script psim (can be linked to psim-gdb)
in libbsp/powerpc/psim/tools. You have to specify
a LOT more options on the target sim command to
run psim.

> but I either get don't know how to run, or some other
> horrible looking error, with a fatal signal. The machine
> I use is at home, so I don't have the specific output
> to hand. Is there something more I need to setup, or
> (better) is there documentation on this. I could use
> any emulator, I want to test TAO on rtems without using
> a physical target. So I will have to figure out how to
> compile TAO with rtems. Is this just a question of setting
> up ACE/TAO for rtems, and then using the cross compilers?
> Any hints here could save me lots of time...

Locally, I put the psim/psim-gdb script in my PATH and 
use it.  It savea a lot of trouble.

> Thanks, Jack

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
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