_impure_ptr invalid after task_delete() called?

Phil Torre ptorre at zetron.com
Wed May 29 20:45:36 UTC 2002

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 05:35:48AM +1000, Chris Johns wrote:
> Phil Torre wrote:
> > 
> > Excellent.  Many thanks, Fernando!
> > 
> How does this fix the problem you posted ?

Upon further investigation, it turns out that it doesn't.  My bug
was caused by libc_delete_hook() clearing the newlib reentrancy
struct pointer before the code Fernando pointed out gets to run.

I don't know if this is how it's supposed to work and the manual
forgot to mention "don't call libc from a Thread_delete extension,
or if it's a bona fide bug. 


Phil Torre                               phone: 425-820-6363 x234
Design Engineer                          email: ptorre at zetron.com
Switching Systems Group                    fax: 425-820-7031
Zetron, Inc.                               web: http://www.zetron.com


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