Anyone using ACE with RTEMS?

Phil Torre ptorre at
Thu Nov 21 02:10:08 UTC 2002

I'm trying to get the most recent stable ACE library to work with
rtems-ss-20020628, and wondered if anyone else has played with this.

RTEMS is one of the targets that ACE knows about, but I'm having a
few problems getting it going.  The current problem is that the 
first thing ACE does is create a POSIX condition variable, and then
does a pthread_cond_wait() on it with no other threads running.  It
looks like RTEMS is doing everything it should, so I'm asking about
this on the ACE list also; just wondered if any RTEMS users had been
here before me.  :)



Phil Torre                               phone: 425-820-6363 x234
Design Engineer                          email: ptorre at
Switching Systems Group                    fax: 425-820-7031
Zetron, Inc.                               web:


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