new snapshot (ss-20021118), etc

Stephen Holford SHolford at
Tue Nov 19 13:43:48 UTC 2002

Hi Ralf

> Both.
> Stephen quotes improperly, which then triggers the bug. If he had quoted
> properly, a he would have encountered similar problems later.

Huh? How exactly am I mis-quoting?

env_var="A B C"
cmd --switch="${env_var}"

Is exactly equivalent to typing
cmd --switch="A B C" on the command line.

However we can illustrate this further.
Using my home system (Slackware 8.1), freshly installed stock virgin OAR 
rpm's with no funny scripts or hacks I generated the following test 
cases last night:


Case 1: command line quoting (exactly what my script does, what the
documentation suggests and is what one would naturally type at the
command line, and what has been deemed "Misquoting")

../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp="mbx8xx mpc8260ads"

Produces the following errors:
./rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end
of file
etc. etc.


   $ ../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp=mbx8xx mpc8260ads

Resulting string in configure screen output:

''--enable-rtemsbsp=mbx8xx' 'mpc8260ads''

Snapshot 20021118 produces the same errors and output.


Case 2: command line escaped embedded quoting.

../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp="\"mbx8xx mpc8260ads\""

Produces the following errors:
../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end
of file
etc. etc.


   $ ../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp="mbx8xx mpc8260ads"

Resulting string in configure screen output:
''--enable-rtemsbsp="mbx8xx' 'mpc8260ads"''

Snapshot 20021118 produces the same errors and output.


Case 3: Single quote with double quote embedded. Of course this is 
really the same as Case 2 above.

../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp='"mbx8xx mpc8260ads"'

Produces the following errors:
../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end
of file
etc. etc.


   $ ../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp="mbx8xx mpc8260ads"

Resulting string in configure screen output:
''--enable-rtemsbsp="mbx8xx' 'mpc8260ads"''

Snapshot 20021118 produces the same errors and output.


Case 4: Silly multiple quoting, perhaps illustrates how the quotes are 
being passed through:

../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp='""""mbx8xx mpc8260ads""""'

Produces the following errors:

../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end
of file
etc. etc.


   $ ../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp=""""mbx8xx

Resulting string in configure screen output:
''--enable-rtemsbsp=""""mbx8xx' 'mpc8260ads""""''

Snapshot 20021118 produces the same errors and output.


Case 5: Any of the above with a single argument with a trailing space
(Just satisfying my curiosity):

../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp='"mbx8xx "'

Produces the following errors:

../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking
for matching `''
../rtems-ss-20021111/configure: eval: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end
of file
etc. etc.


   $ ../rtems-ss-20021111/configure --enable-rtemsbsp="mbx8xx "

Resulting string in configure screen output:

''--enable-rtemsbsp="mbx8xx' '"''

Snapshot 20021118 produces the same errors and output.


echo "\"It's dead Jim\""

There is a problem in current RTEMS autoconf and it's nothing to do with 
my quoting.

Take care,


> [Background: autoconf's internal quoting of configure arguments has
> changed. These quoted configure arguments are processed and passed down
> to subdirectory configure scripts. During this processing quoting of
> lists gets lost and causes them to be passed as separate arguments
> instead of one.]
> Ralf

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