[Fwd: rtems ESH]

glencoindetroit at netscape.net glencoindetroit at netscape.net
Wed Oct 16 03:24:05 UTC 2002

Sorry about the confusion.  esh is a combination of several libraries.  I created an example rtems application that invokes esh at startup.  You can find it in the directory hello_world.  Note that the makefile in that directory will first create a symbol table from the object files, then link the RTEMS kernel with the sample app.

>From: daron chabot <djc915 at mail.usask.ca>
>Subject: rtems ESH
>To: joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com
>Mr. Sherrill,
>The ability to dynamically download object modules would be a great 
>benefit to my M.Sc. project ( not to mention the RTEMS user/developer 
>community!! ).  However, after obtaining the tarball from the OAR ftp 
>site, I was unable to successfully build the ESH code on my Pentium 3 
>(450 MHz), running RH 7.2.  I am not an expert by any means, but the 
>Make process appears incomplete: I cannot locate the "esh" directory or 
>executable ( is the Makefile missing Install directions ?? ).
>I am using rtems-ss-20020528 and the latest binutils, gcc, and newlib 
>tools on the above build-machine to create applications that run on an 
>identical machine.
>Any suggestions or assistance that could help with getting the embedded 
>shell/dynamic loader working would be appreciated.
>Best Regards,
>Daron Chabot

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Aaron J. Grier <aaron at frye.com> wrote:
>> Sample - hallo.exe (I compile for pc386 bsp) which I found in samples
>> directory works.
>> But is huge, about 800kB (8 hundreds kilo bytes!).
>> Do I missed somthing?
>run "size" on the binary to see how large code and data really is. most
>of the file size may be debugging information.
Thank you, I run size on this and then i386-rtems-strip. Size is much
smaller now:-)

But What With the info/warning message during rtems building time:
ELF type"0" not known.
It was about 20 such messages.
Test apps work well ( but I did not run all ones).
I instaled tools and rtems release 4.5.0. Tools of coures from this relese.

I dont know in which moments this messages occured because I build rtems with command (under bash):
bit_rtems i386 pc386 >& my_log_file
All messages went to my_..file
but this messages concerning to ELF 
was displayed only on my terminal.

Gregory Matus
mailto: gregmatu at poczta.onet.pl

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