m68k gcc PRs was Re: Problem with latest snapshot and Coldfire target

Joel Sherrill <joel@OARcorp.com> joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com
Thu Oct 24 21:59:24 UTC 2002

For those watching this, the following gcc PRs have been

  + PR8309 - seems to match problem #3 below
  + PR8314 - is for the crtbegin/end problem
  + PR8343 - is for the capture-cli.c ICE problem

8314 has a fix.  8309 and 8314 are being worked on by Peter
Barada whom believes them to be regressions and is binary
searching for the culprit.

With any luck, all will be fixed in 3.2.1.

Just an FYI for those interested. :)


> Fabrizio Pirovano wrote:
> Hi Joel ,
> I am working with 20021007 snapshot and the latest toolchain (gcc3.2
> etc.)   and my coldfire platform. I constate the following problems:
> 1) crtbegin.o and crtend.o are not good for Coldfire because inside
> they use the <bsr> instruction  in place of  <jsr>. I use the old
> version of files and now all work fine.
> 2) In directory libmisc there are three little bugs due the new type
> related to <object-> name>. You find attached the patch that I use.
> Please verify.
> 3) I found problems with gcc 3.2 and <-O4 -fomit-frame-pointer
> option>:
> If I compile my application without optimization all work fine but if
> I optimize my programs crash.
> I found a evidence of almost one gcc error (see file gccproblems.pdf)
> Some explications:
> <ii> is a counter declared <short int> and used in a <for()>
> instruction.  gcc3.2 put it in frame position -10(a6).
> As you can see in 1E85E it is treated as word but.... in in 1E8A0 it
> is used as long  : <add.l> !!!!
> in 1E8A8 the test of end loop is made correctly as short! The result
> is that loop controlled by <ii> never finish!
> 4) when I do <make install> the following file are missing in the
> install dir:
> start.o      (intentionally?)
> linkcmds  (intentionally?)
> tmacros.h
> shm_driver.h
> buffer_test_io.h
> Best regards
> Fabrizio Pirovano
> P.S.
> After 20 days of test over ten 5272 CPUs I can confirm that the patch
> of Chris for r PR267 work well: all my problems of instability are
> disappeared!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> THYSYS s.r.l.
> Via della Valle 67
> 20048 Carate Brianza (MI) Italy
> pirovano.thysys at tiscalinet.it
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                        Name: mon-manager.diff
>    mon-manager.diff    Type: unspecified type
>                              (application/octet-stream)
>                    Encoding: quoted-printable
>                  Name: check.diff
>    check.diff    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>              Encoding: quoted-printable
>                    Name: capture.diff
>    capture.diff    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                Encoding: quoted-printable
>                       Name: gccproblems.pdf
>    gccproblems.pdf    Type: Portable Document Format (PDF)
>                             (application/pdf)
>                   Encoding: base64

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at OARcorp.com                 On-Line Applications Research
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