POSIX, OpenH323 and RTEMS

Vladimir Nesic vnesic at dkts.co.yu
Mon Oct 21 18:17:08 UTC 2002

On Monday 21 October 2002 14:19, Joel Sherrill wrote:
> Vladimir Nesic wrote:
> > RTEMS patch has been officialy added to opeh323 code base :)
> Yeah!! Other than openh323.org, is there anything we point to?
> Do you have a write up on RTEMS specific build procedure?  There
> is at least some need to know what configure options to give RTEMS.

OK, this is the story:

Part I - the code

OpenH323 hast two libraries: 
1) pwlib is platform dependent layer
2) openh323 is platform independent protocol stack

The first version of pwlib that supports rtems is 1.4.0. It can be 
downloaded from http://www.openh323.org/code.html (tar.gz)
or http://www.openh323.org/~openh323/cvsweb.cgi/pwlib/ (html-cvs).

There are some restrictions on pwlib's directory location, they apply to 
RTEMS as well. 

Part II - compiling and makefiles

Makefile does not use RTEMS makefiles directly. The code needed has been 
copy/pasted to pwlib/make/unix.mak file, under rtems section.

To make rtems version of library, I used the following:

make OSTYPE=rtems MACHTYPE=m68k CPUTYPE=mcpu32 \ 
HOST_PLATFORM_TYPE=linux_x86 debugnoshared 

I think that openh323 lib need one or two interventions in code, but it 
compiles as well.

Part III - test samples

I was not allowed to change test samples in codebase :(, so they have to 
be changed manualy for RTEMS. I have attached two .h files which should 
be set to specific platform and included into main.c for every sample.

They work on my platform, no guaranties for anything else :(

What must be activated is loopback driver since tlibthrd.cxx contains 
socketpair function which I sent here when I was crying for pipe.

Part IV - (known) problems

File testh323.tar.gz contains sample that dies on posix_cond_signal() 

> I was in the process of putting new docs online last week when I
> got derailed with another deadline.

I sow new doc's, thanks.


> > Vlada
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