pc386dx exception 6 was Re: 4.6.0pre2 and docs released

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at bigpond.com
Mon Apr 28 04:16:32 UTC 2003

Steven Johnson wrote:

> Angelo,
> Change LDFLAGS += to be
> LDFLAGS += --gc-sections

This one did not work.

> Unless LD Flags is passed to gcc or g++ and not ld, in which case use:
> LDFALGS += -Wl,'--gc-sections'

This did work, however, I got an exception 13 after the device drivers 

> I don't actually use GNU Make.  I Use JAM Instead.  The Make File 
> (JamFile) is a lot cleaner, and I haven't used GNU Make files (other 
> than what comes with RTEMS and other stuff in our own development for 
> a long time, but this is where I would try.  You will need to look at 
> the output of running Make to see if the link is perfromed with ld or 
> gcc/g++.
It uses i386-rtems-g++ (I have attached the final link text)

What is interesting is that this did not occur until gcc3.2.1

In GCC3.2, my executables were substantially smaller, and this is why they didn't crash with the exception 6 -- they did not include the code -- unless I added the include <iostream> directive.  I don't have the directive anywhere in my code but it must still be including the iostream. Maybe there is a flag that allows me to not add it.

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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