File Format Questions
avpenu at
Tue Aug 19 18:57:08 UTC 2003
Dear Joel
Thank You...
This is what I have done...changed the objcopy line as follows in
define make-exe
$(LINK.c) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) -o $(basename $@).coff \
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec $(basename $@).coff $(basename $@).i
<--------- srec in this line
sed -e 's/.$$//' -e '/^S0/d' $(basename $@).i | \
$(PACKHEX) > $(basename $@).exe
$(NM) -g -n $(basename $@).coff > $(basename $@).num
$(SIZE) $(basename $@).coff
define make-exe
$(LINK.c) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) -o $(basename $@).coff \
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $(basename $@).coff $(basename $@).i
<--------- changed to ihex in this line
sed -e 's/.$$//' -e '/^S0/d' $(basename $@).i | \
$(PACKHEX) > $(basename $@).exe
$(NM) -g -n $(basename $@).coff > $(basename $@).num
$(SIZE) $(basename $@).coff
Is This OK? Or anything else to do...
Aditya wrote:
> Dear RTEMS Users..
> The hello.exe and other sample(.exe) files created for the i386ex bsp
> look like Motorola S Record files internally. Am I Right..?
The .exe format is whatever the board has to use to get an image
downloaded to it. This may be Srecords, coff, elf, a.out, Intel
Hex, etc. Looking at the file make/custom/i386ex.cfg, you are
right it is S records.
> If no what is the format?
> If yes then HOW to change this S Record files to Intel .HEX files ?
Change the make-exe rule in make/custom/i386ex.cfg.
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