My periodic bark at auto "tools" 2003/1 edition (was Re:rtems-ss-20030128)

Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Mon Feb 3 15:15:23 UTC 2003


... many lines snipped...

> > 
> > * Rebuild the rpms from source and edit the rpm.specs on your demands.
> > (This typically means to change the package names and the prefix - and
> > to read the manual of another tool: rpm)
> We have considered building release tools to install into a separate
> $prefix from snapshots.  Something like /opt/rtems-4.6 instead of
> /opt/rtems.  This doesn't solve your immediate problem but distinguishes
> release branch tools from development branch ones.

years ago there was an aproach of installing a given toolset 
(gcc/binutils/newlib/etc...) to something like


Whenever you wanted to work with a given project and RTEMS 
snapshot, the only thing to do was to include the 
corresponding path into your PATH environment. I really like 
this way of tool installation, because then each user can 
select, which toolset is to be used for his project. This is 
more or less the only way I know to install various toolset 
versions on one machine.

Unfortunately the standard RPMs now come without that 
installation prefix, I never quite made out why.

Wouldn't it solve many problems to go back to that LONG 
installation prefix in the standard RPMs?

IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
email:    Thomas.Doerfler at
PGP public key available at: http://www.imd-

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