My periodic bark at auto "tools" 2003/1 edition (was Re:rtems-ss-20030128)

Jerry Needell jerry.needell at
Mon Feb 3 20:04:07 UTC 2003

Thomas Doerfler wrote:
> Hello Ralf,
>>Am Mon, 2003-02-03 um 16.15 schrieb Thomas Doerfler:
>>>... many lines snipped...
... many more lines snipped

> Another point: whenever somebody mentions the need to install 
> multiple toolset versions on the same machine, he/she gets the 
> answer "rebuild the toolset with different prefixes", well 
> this once again leads to having toolset-dependent installation 
> directories, and that's exactly what I would like to have. 
> Maybe the naming scheme mentioned above is not the best one, 
> maybe it would be better to couple the toolset install 
> directory name to the RTMES snapshot version or something like 
> that, but I think ANY version-dependent installation dirctory 
> in the standard RPMs would be better than the current choices, 
> that are:
> A:) Install only ONE toolset on a certain machine (and 
> deinstall/install another toolset when you switch to a 
> different RTEMS snapshot)
> or
> B:) Rebuild the RPMs (which is really easy, I like it now) and 
> apply your own home-brewn naming scheme to the installation 
> prefix.
> Any other opinions on this discussion? 

I have had to deal with several different pre-compilled installations at 
various times and found that the following worked well for me:

-install version A in /opt/rtems
-rename /opt/rtems to /opt/rtems-A

- install verion B in /opt/rtems
- rename /opt/rtems to /opt/rtems-B

-make a symbolic link from rtems-A or rtems-B to /opt/rtems depending on 
which  installation I want to use at the time.

-- Jerry

> wkr,
> 	Thomas.
> P.S.: Ralf, I really want to thank you for the work you do for 
> RTEMS, I don't understand all the ideas behind 
> autoconf/automake, but I am sure it keeps the RTEMS source 
> tree manageable. 
> --------------------------------------------
> IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
> Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
> D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
> email:    Thomas.Doerfler at
> PGP public key available at: http://www.imd-

Jerry Needell                     | Internet: jerry.needell at
Space Science Center/Morse Hall   | Voice: (603) 862 2732
University Of New Hampshire       | FAX:   (603) 862 0311
Durham, NH 03824                  |

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