Powerpc IRQ handling breaks strict EABI compliance

Valette Eric eric.valette at free.fr
Tue Feb 11 22:32:54 UTC 2003

> 64K for read/write data + 64K for read-only data. 

How do you intent to choose which part of the data will fit in the 64K?

> Unfortunately not. The only thing I know for sure is that my application
> doesn't fit into a few of my boards without EABI and does fit with it. Code
> speed improvement is a guess I've looking at the assembly code generated by
> gcc in both cases.

Which is not really a prof for speed improvement...

> Just tried to re-build one of my applications without EABI (RTEMS is still
> compiled with EABI). The difference in code size is:
> -meabi -msdata=eabi:    362032
> -mno-eabi -msdata=none: 378720
> If newlib/glib is also compiled without EABI, the code size is:
>                         380320
> So for my application it's about 5% difference.

Did you try the new gcc 3.x -Os option to see the result?

   /  `                   	Eric Valette
  /--   __  o _.          	6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__         	35740 Pace

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E-mail: eric.valette at free.fr

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