hanging tasks - information about task state etc.

Peter Mueller peter.o.mueller at gmx.de
Sat Jan 25 18:14:16 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hi Joel, Thomas,

thanks for your replies. dump_tasks finally helped me to find one problem.
A task waiting for an event that gets usually sent from an irq. It turned
out that the hardware triggering the irq hangs sometimes so that the irq
is missing and my task waits forever.

The other thing is not solved. Here I like to ask again for your advice..
One of my tasks handles serial input. After my system runs for a while
this task seems to get not scheduled anymore even if the system is not
fully loaded. The task state is 8->STATES_DELAYING which means wait for
timeout. This is ok because my old efi332 serial driver polls the rcv
buffer to check if there is new data and waits for some ticks if nothing
is there. Could it be possible that rtems_task_wake_after does not return
for any reason?


> Peter, the gdb script I have posted a couple of times is a good start
> on seeing what the tasks in the system are up to.  I would like to see
> the gdb script eventually enhanced so that it could give you some
> details
> like decoding the task state into English and know that if in certain
> states,
> that Wait.id is what the task is waiting on.
> > Thanks,
> > Peter
> > 
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