TCP/IP for small memory devices

Eric Norum norume at
Wed Jul 9 00:26:34 UTC 2003

On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 07:16  PM, Derick Hammond wrote:

> Hello All:
> Is there a document that suggests ways of tailoring the RTEMS 
> implementation of the TCP/IP stack for small memory foot-prints?
> The target board that I am writing my application for has a total of 
> 128KBytes of RAM, and I would like suggestions on how I can use the 
> RTEMS TCP/IP stack in this memory foot-print.  Or would it be 
> worthwhile porting TinyIP to RTEMS?

I think that porting one of the open-source mini-TCP/IP stacks 
available on the web would be the only way to go.  I can' t imagine any 
way you'll cram all of RTEMS, newlib and the FreeBSD stack into 
128kbytes of RAM.

Eric Norum <norume at>
Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory
(630) 252-4793

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