Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at
Tue Jun 3 07:16:48 UTC 2003

I found a free chkdsk program on the free dos site

I had a free cluister in the file. This found and fixed it (or at least 
let me oiverwrite it)

Angelo Fraietta wrote:

> I am having trouble sometimes if I get a corrupted file on a dos fs -- 
> I suspect lost chains or the likes. The files says it opens fine, 
> however, it does not get written. I suspect that the file has become 
> corrupt because if I go to a dos prompt and physically delete the 
> file, it works.
> This is a rare occurrence, however, I have had it three times today.
> Does anyone know of a diagnostic that will run through the filesystem 
> and fix these types of error. I just need to be able to overwrite the 
> corrupt file.
> Any suggestions?

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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