
Fabio Degiovanni - Eicas degiovanni at eicas.it
Fri Jun 20 11:33:19 UTC 2003

Dear Joel Sherrill,
                            thank you very much for your answers. I'm 
simulating the ERC32 on a Pentium4   2.0 Ghz. What does wall-time mean? 
Is it the real-time on my Linux Pentium 4? I want to simulate the ERC32 
in such a way that simulated processor time=real user time even if I'm 
running the simulator of ERC32 on a faster PC. I want that the 
microseconds per tick that I configure are "true time". What could I do?

Beside the time-scale there is the other problem:
I know that _CPU_Thread_Idle_body () is where RTEMS will always be when 
there are no user tasks to execute. But in my case there is a task to 
execute, I cannot understand why putting rtems_task_wake_after(10000) 
the tasks suspend after 30 steps while 
putting rtems_task_wake_after(1000) the task executes normally (till 
step 100 when I put the directive rtems_shutdown_executive(0)).

Thank you very much for your help

Fabio Degiovanni

Joel Sherrill wrote:

>Fabio Degiovanni - Eicas wrote:
>>Dear Sirs,
>>                I'm new with RTEMS; I installed it on a Linux RedHat
>>7.3, my target is SPARC ERC32. I run my application using the ERC32
>>simulatoror within sparc-rtems-gdb.
>>I tried with this simple example (see code below). I set up
>>rtems_task_wake_after(10000) whitch for me means that the task should be
>>blocked for 10s.
>>I have two problems:
>>-rtems_task_wake_after instead of waking after 10s wakes after 1s
>Is this wall-time (real user time) or simulated processor time.  I
>you are on reasonably modern PC hardware which means you can simulate
>an ERC32 faster than the real processor.  
>>-after 30 iteration the process doesn't go on; in the debugger I saw
>>that it is in the funtion _CPU_Thread_Idle_body ()
>That's where RTEMS will always be when there are no user tasks to
>>If I askrtems_task_wake_after(1000) rhe process doesn't freeze, but the
>>time scale is still wrong.
>Wall-time != simualted processor time.
>>Can anyone of you help me?
>>Thank you very much in advance
>>Fabio Degiovanni
>>my code:
>>#include <bsp.h>
>>#include <stdio.h>
>>#include <rtems.h>
>>rtems_task user_application(rtems_task_argument argument);
>>rtems_task Init(
>>  rtems_task_argument ignored
>>rtems_id tid;
>>rtems_status_code status;
>>rtems_name name;
>>    name=rtems_build_name('A','P','P','1');
>>    if(status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL){
>>        printf("rtems_task_create failed with status of %d.\n",status);
>>        exit(1);
>>    }
>>    status=rtems_task_start(tid,user_application,0);
>>    if(status!=RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL){
>>        printf("rtems_task_start failed with status of %d.\n",status);
>>        exit(1);
>>    }
>>    status=rtems_task_delete(RTEMS_SELF);
>>    printf("rtems_task_delete returned with status of %d.\n",status);
>>    exit(1);
>>rtems_task user_application(rtems_task_argument argument){
>>rtems_interval inter=10000;
>>int i=0;
>>    while(1){
>>        printf("user_application %d\n",i);
>>        rtems_task_wake_after(inter);
>>        i++;
>>        if(i==100){
>>            rtems_shutdown_executive(0);
>>        }
>>    }
>>/* configuration information */
>>#define CONFIGURE_APPLICATION_NEEDS_CLOCK_DRIVER    /*for time services*/
>>#define CONFIGURE_INIT_TASK_NAME rtems_build_name('E','X','A','M')
>>#include <confdefs.h>
>>/* end of file */
>>my makefile:
>>#  Makefile
>>#  RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH is typically set in an environment variable
>># optional managers required
>># C source names
>>CSRCS = test.c
>>COBJS_ = $(CSRCS:.c=.o)
>>COBJS = $(COBJS_:%=${ARCH}/%)
>># C++ source names
>>CXXOBJS_ = $(CXXSRCS:.cc=.o)
>># AS source names
>>ASOBJS_ = $(ASSRCS:.s=.o)
>>ASOBJS = $(ASOBJS_:%=${ARCH}/%)
>># Libraries
>>LIBS = -lrtemsall -lc
>>include $(RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH)/Makefile.inc
>>include $(RTEMS_CUSTOM)
>>include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/make/leaf.cfg
>>all:    ${ARCH} $(PGM)
>>$(PGM): $(OBJS)
>>    $(make-exe)
>>Dott. Ing. Degiovanni Fabio
>>Eicas Automazione
>>Via Vincenzo Vela, 27 10128 Torino (ITALIA)
>>Telefoni +39-11-562.37.98/562.3088 Fax +39-11-436.06.79

Dott. Ing. Degiovanni Fabio
Eicas Automazione
Via Vincenzo Vela, 27 10128 Torino (ITALIA)
Telefoni +39-11-562.37.98/562.3088 Fax +39-11-436.06.79

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