RTEMS and Motorola 68000

Cedric Aubert cedric_aubert at yahoo.fr
Mon Jun 30 06:38:58 UTC 2003


Thanks a lot for your information. 
But does anyone have any experience of
use a real 68000 with 22 bit adress bus
with RTEMS ?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nicco [mailto:pigeon.nicolas at wanadoo.fr]
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 5:32 PM
> To: cedric_aubert at yahoo.fr
> Cc: RTEMS Users
> Subject: RE: RTEMS and Motorola 68000
> Hi,
> I'm currently using RTEMS with a 68302 processor,
which does not have a
> 22 bits wide address bus. The core of this processor
is a 68000, and it
> works pretty well. I advise you to start with a BSP
for the 68302, such
> as ods68302 or gen68302, and remove some processor
specific parts. Be
> careful with your GCC too, some old versions may
introduce illegal
> instruction (that are OK on a 68020 but not on a
> Hope this helps...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cedric Aubert [mailto:cedric_aubert at yahoo.fr] 
> Sent: vendredi 27 juin 2003 14:21
> Subject: RTEMS and Motorola 68000
> Hi,
> I am new to the list and to rtems to.
> I want to known if RTEMS have support
> for motorola 68000 processors.
> I have found that it's should work with
> 68k processor, but I found on the documentation
> that it's ok for 68xxx and 683xx but it's write
> like 68020. But I use a real 68000 the first of
> motorola (at 16Mhz), not the 32 bits adress bus
> processors.
> The 68K, I use it's the adress bus had 22 bits.
> Of course without MMU.
> Is RTEMS support the first mc68000 processor ?
> Sorry if my question is stupid but many system
> support 32bits 68k but not the 22bits 68k (ucLinux
> example, if I don't lose my mind :-).
> Thanks a lot
> ---
> AUBERT Cedric
> SDEL Controle Commande
> Service R&D
> rue Nungesser & Coli
> 44860 St Aignan de Grand Lieu
> Tel : +33 (0)2 40 84 50 00
> Poste : 5109
> Fax : +33 (0)2 40 84 51 10
> E-mail : cedric_aubert at yahoo.fr
> Web : http://www.controle-commande.sdel.fr
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