bit scripts

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at
Wed Mar 5 21:52:28 UTC 2003

Angelo Fraietta wrote:

> I am unable to make the samples run in the latest build, so I have 
> probably configured something wrong. I do not want to use RMP because 
> I also want to get development happening on OSX. I attempted the build 
> on a Linux machine. Using the bit scripts from the 4.5.0 release, this 
> worked fine.

I want to clarify this -- I meant of an early snapshot

> I placed the full console output for my attempt of the 4.6 prerelease on
> ]
> However, no-one has been able/willing to tell me what I have done 
> wrong so I am stuck.
> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>> Angelo Fraietta wrote:
>>> Ther used to be scrips (like on the 4.5.0 release) that one could 
>>> use to configure adn build the tools.
>>> Is this still available, and if not, what has relaced it?
>> No.  RPM scripts and (hopefully) better instructions on configure
>> and make in the Getting Started.
>> --joel

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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