Support for ATM in RTEMS?

Spencer, Andrew andrew.spencer at
Thu May 29 12:43:13 UTC 2003

Hello All,

Are there any plans to port the FreeBSD ATM networking code over to RTEMS?  Does anyone have a feel for how big a task this would be, perhaps based upon the previous experiences of porting the TCP/IP BSD networking code? 

Also, are there any ATM device drivers available for RTEMS?

Best Regards,


email: <mailto:andrewdotspenceratrokedotcodotuk>       Roke Manor
tel:   +44 (0) 1794 833649		                A Siemens Company
fax:   +44 (0) 1794 526919
Roke Manor Research Limited, Romsey, Hampshire  SO51 0ZN, UK

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