4.6.0pre3 available

Derick Hammond derick at perkinstechnologies.com.au
Thu May 1 23:03:55 UTC 2003

Hi Chris, Joel:

I installed the m68k-rtems-c++-gcc3.2.2newlib1.11.0-2 RPM, so I could do 
the same configure command as what Chris wrote below.

I can see that the -O2 option is passed for every cpu variant except for 
the default (ie. no -m options), which I find a little strange.

Anyway, I hope this information helps.


Derick Hammond

Chris Johns wrote:
>Derick Hammond wrote:
> >
>>Thank you for letting me know about the -O2 option.
>>I compiled the same file with the -O2 option included in the command line 
>>and it worked.
>I wonder if 3.2.3 get the problem with-out -O2. I will try tomorrow.
>All I used to build was:
>   $ ../rtems-4.6.0pre3/configure --target=m68k-rtems --prefix=/opt/rtems \
>     --enable-multilib --enable-doc \
>     --enable-cxx --disable-tests \
>     --enable-posix --disable-itron --enable-networking
>   $ make RTEMS_BSP="" all install
>I do not know where my -O2 option is coming from and why you did not see it.
>  Chris Johns, cjohns at cybertec.com.au

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