Linking and Memory Maps (newbie question)

Victor V. Vengerov vvv at
Thu Nov 6 11:48:45 UTC 2003


check your load address. Load address (LMA) and "virtual" address (VMA - 
where section expect to be located when executed) are conceptually 
different. Apply
<target>-objdump -x <object-file> to see VMA and LMA addresses. (It is 
that your .srec generated from <object-file>

As a last resort, you may try to play with --change-section-lma /
--change-section-vma options of objcopy when generated srec.


James Yates wrote:

>I believe that I have modified the existing linker scripts correctly. In fact I have modified those for ROM and RAM builds both to link to RAM since I never need to link for ROM and to save any confusion in builds.
>I have looked at the tests that were built when I built rtems for my BSP. The map file for the test hello looks like this, only showing a few lines:
>.text           0x00804000    0x136d0
> *(.text)
> .text          0x00804000       0xc0 ../../../../../fu0018/lib/start.o
>                0x00804000                _start
> .text          0x008040c0       0x90 o-optimize/init.o
>                0x00804110                _Init
> .text          0x00804150       0xb0 ../../../../../fu0018/lib/no-dpmem.rel
>                0x008041a0                _rtems_port_delete
>                0x008041e0                _rtems_port_external_to_internal
>                0x00804150                __Dual_ported_memory_Manager_initialization
>                0x00804180                _rtems_port_ident
>                0x00804160                _rtems_port_create
>                0x008041c0                _rtems_port_internal_to_external
> .text          0x00804200       0x50 ../../../../../fu0018/lib/no-event.rel
>                0x00804210                _rtems_event_send
>                0x00804230                _rtems_event_receive
>                0x00804200                __Event_Manager_initialization
> .text          0x00804250      0x170 ../../../../../fu0018/lib/no-msg.rel
>So it says that it's linking into SRAM (0x800000) but when I try to produce a motorola SREC using sh-rtems-objcopy.exe -O srec hello.o and look at the srecord, the code is addresses from 0x0. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
>		James Yates

Victor V. Vengerov
Ulianovskaya st., 1, office 533, St.-Petersburg 198504 Russia
phone: +7 812 4284384(work),+7 812 9389372(mobile),+7 812 4281653(home)

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