Gdb Over Serial

gregory.menke at gregory.menke at
Tue Nov 11 22:30:01 UTC 2003

Chris Johns writes:
 > gregory.menke at wrote:
 > > 
 > > I don't think copying around vector tables is the right sort of thing
 > > to be doing- perhaps you're trying to set it up too early in the RTEMS
 > > boot process?
 > > 
 > If the interrupts are masked and during startup or exit I think it is 
 > valid to move a vector table. This could be a copy or a change in the 
 > VBR. I would not exclude doing it as a rule.

I wouldn't either, but a gdb stub usually only needs a vector for the
break and/or single step interrupt/exception.  The stub handles all
the per-thread stuff itself.  Perhaps I misunderstand what the OP
means wrt table copying...


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