RTEMS Makefile Support

Cedric Aubert cedric_aubert at yahoo.fr
Tue Sep 30 07:05:16 UTC 2003

Hi alls,

I want to integrate RTEMS Makefile with the Sniff+
Penguin (Free TakeFive
Version 3.2)
Makefile Support throught the Platform Makefile
support of Sniff+. I just
want to use
this to build my user application with rtems bsp and
compiler. Not for build

Does anyone try this ?

In fact I have some problem to understand how RTEMS
Makefile works (for
application side
only, the BSP Makefile). I don't understand throught
my navigation of the
BSP Makefile how
is use setup the variables :
- LINK.c .cc
- AM_xxxxxx

Can anyone can explain how those variable is set ?

Thanks a lot


SDEL Controle Commande
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