cygwin configure problem

Ian Caddy ianc at
Wed Aug 18 04:50:29 UTC 2004

Hi Gene,

Gene Smith wrote:

> Yes, I could see it was reported but a definite reason was never given. 
> (Sometimes shutting down virus checking and other programs helped.) Has 
> anyone actually used cygwin to build and manage a successful rtems project?

We have used Cygwin on both Win2K and WinXPPro for  building our RTEMS 
projects without any problems.  We are still on a patched version of 
4.5.0 and are looking at upgrading sometime in the next 6 months or so 
(just need some time) to the latest release.

We have virus checkers on our machines and not had problems running the 
builds, but from the posts in the past it only seemed to effect some 

I can build RTEMS while doing any number of other jobs on my computers 
at the same time, admittedly, it is a lot slower, but it is possible.

I also noted that you stated that in your configure, there was the 
questions about a cross compiler.  I don't have your original message, 
but when I did a configure this morning, I got the same message, but it 
was for gcc which is the local gcc for the machine, not the actual m68k 
cross compiler that we use for building our apps.

Let me know if we can be of any more help.


Ian Caddy

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