Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Thu Dec 2 05:28:10 UTC 2004

Yanjun Luo wrote:
> Hi,
> My at91rm9200's board can send and receive packets now.
> But I can't ping my board, when I ping my board, it only
> reply ARP request, never answer ping request. So my PC
> only can get my board MAC address but never get ping reply.
> Does I need config something to reply ping request?
> Or something wrong in my system?

This is typical of the MAC on your board seeing only broadcast packets
and no MAC frames with a unique MAC address programmed into your hardware.

Check you have a valid MAC address setup in your hardware (valid OUI
etc) and it matches what is being sent in the ARP response to the PC. On
the PC check the arp cache with the arp command.

 Chris Johns

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