Coldfire Interrupt level during ISR?

Chris Johns chrisj at
Fri Dec 3 23:39:39 UTC 2004

Alan Cudmore wrote:
> On our coldfire BSP in RTEMS 4.6.0, we noticed that one interrupt is 
> being serviced in the middle of another. We are not sure that we want to 
> allow nested interrupts on our application, so how do I find the code 
> where the interrupt level is being set for an ISR?

If you make the interrupt sources request at the same level you can 
avoid this.

I am not sure I understand your question about the interrupt level being 
set. The level will be set in the interrupt hardware for the specific 
device. The Coldfire's interrupt controller handles this. The Coldfire 
interrupt controller for the 5206e and 5272 have level and priority 
fields so you can have interrupts share the same level as long as they 
have different priorities.

  Chris Johns

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