Network error

Steve Holle sholle at
Tue Dec 7 20:36:51 UTC 2004

I'm trying to stream 16-bit audio samples at 8ksps over the network using 
datagram packets.  After running for a cople of minutes RTEMS halts with 
"RETMS: Can't obtain network semaphore."  These samples are sent in packets 
of  128 16-bit words ( 256 8-bit bytes ) every 16mS.

All that's in the DDD backtrace after the crash is :
boot_card() at bootcard.c:133
sp_cleanup() at bspclean.c:34

Any idea what could be causing this?

Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT  59101
sholle at  

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