Thread question

Steve Holle sholle at
Mon Dec 13 15:56:05 UTC 2004

At 05:05 PM 12/10/2004, Angelo Fraietta wrote:

>Steve Holle wrote:
>>If I disable task 1A, 1B keeps running even with the streaming audio running.
>>I assumes that since 1A and 1B where set up to timeslice that whatever 
>>time was left 1A and 1B would get serviced.  That is obviously a false 
>I am pretty sure that if a higher priority thread takes control at any 
>stage, the thread that was switched out will get switched back in; 
>however, it's timeslices will start again at zero. It is possible in that 
>case for one thread to get starved because the thread of equal priority 
>keeps getting switched back with it's timeslice count set back to the start

I'm not sure I understand this.  Why should it's timeslice restart?  That 
seems counter-intuitive.  That would explain the symptoms we are seeing but 
I'm not sure I understand the purpose and how to use timeslicing if this is 
the case.

>>Any ideas?
>>Steve Holle
>>Link Communications, Inc.
>>1035 Cerise Rd.
>>Billings, MT  59101
>>sholle at
>Angelo Fraietta
>PO Box 859
>Hamilton NSW 2303
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>    Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153)

Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT  59101
sholle at  

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