Ian Caddy ianc at microsol.iinet.net.au
Thu Dec 2 07:13:41 UTC 2004

No, your hardware MAC address is fine.  In the sniffer trace you sent, 
the first 6 bytes are the destination MAC address and the second 6 bytes 
are your hardware configured MAC address.

 From the ARP packet you had up the MAC address in the hardware is correct.

How have you got the two machines connected together, is it through a 
switch or do you have them directly connected with a cross-over cable?

Ian Caddy

Yanjun Luo wrote:
> Hi,
>>This address is fine for testing, but any production hardware needs 
>>an OUI number. See IEEE for details on obtaining a valid OUI number:
>> http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/index.shtml
> Yes, I know that, but now I just test my hardware and our product will
> get it. 
>>Why are these counters not being updated to show the driver activity ?
> Yes, this driver is not fully developed I think.
>>>************ IP Statistics ************
>>>             total packets received        5158
>>> datagrams delivered to upper level        5158
>>>    total ip packets generated here        3035
>>>  datagrams successfully fragmented          12
>>>           output fragments created          72
>>Packets are being received. Do you know what these packets are ?
> I have print out it's contents, all of them a broadcast packets.
>>Can you see this traffic with the sniffer ?
> Yes, I can catch UDP packet from my board, also ARP reply is OK.
> And at TCP test, I can catch ARP request and but nothing else.
> Even I can't see my PC reply this ARP request. Something must
> be wrong with this.
> Think about you and lan's reply, I guess that maybe I set RTEMS
> a right MAC address, but fill hardware another one? 
> How to check this? I just post my code init the MAC address.
> Again, my board is something like AT91RM9200DK, but I changed
> something, and I'm using RTEMS from here:
> http://www.lopingdog.com/rtems
> Regards,
> Yanjun Luo.

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