Jay Monkman jtm-list-rtems at smoothsmoothie.com
Thu Dec 2 09:17:52 UTC 2004

On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 01:39:12PM +0800, Yanjun Luo wrote:
> Hi,
> My at91rm9200's board can send and receive packets now.
> But I can't ping my board, when I ping my board, it only
> reply ARP request, never answer ping request. So my PC
> only can get my board MAC address but never get ping reply.
> Does I need config something to reply ping request?
> Or something wrong in my system?

One thing that is easy to get wrong, is setting up the MAC address
backwards. I just remembered that there was a problem on the CSB337
related to that. The bootloader wrote it backwards (and put the device
in promiscuous mode so it could get packets). The RTEMS BSP had to
read the MAC address from the device, reverse it and write it back. If
your BSP is based on the CSB337 BSP, this might be your problem.

It's a real annoying problem, because packets the device sends will be
fine, but packets the device receives are dropped by the hardware,
because they don't pass the address filter.

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