ISR to thread

Angelo Fraietta afraiett at
Tue Dec 21 19:00:02 UTC 2004

Steve Holle wrote:

> That's exactly what I was looking for.  I think I need an event task 
> because I need to read from a queue and send data out in 
> synchronization with receiving.

I am using an event. I store my data into a queue. I'll show you the code

Inside My ISR
                            bool process_required = 
                            pMidiIn[dev_num]->DataReady (io_in_data); // 
this enques data
                            if (process_required)
(); // this sends the event
                        }//if (pMidiIn[dev_num])   

Inside My task

    // this gets from the queue
    bool data_valid = ReadData(&iodata);
    while (data_valid)
     processData (iodata);
    // this gets from the queue
    data_valid = ReadData(&iodata);

I hope this helps

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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