Getting reacquainted -- Cygwin/powerpc-rtems Build Error

Mills, John M. Mills.J at
Fri Dec 31 17:34:56 UTC 2004

Joel -

Thanks for the note.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Sherrill [joel at]
[mailto:joel.sherrill at]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:18 PM
JS- Nice to see you back.  Haven't heard from you in a while. :)

Thanks - I've been cobbling servers in MsWin and Linux 'till recently.

RTEMS is only a candidate for our system at this point, but it has the great
qualities of being the first candidate 'out of the box', and one we can play
with while ironing out our requirements.

JS- Sicne you are using gcc 3.3.5, there aren't any "official" 4.6.2 gcc 
JS- 3.3.5 RTEMS patches.

Does that mean the gcc-3.3.5 RTEMS patches are _not_ for 4.6.2? How should I
have known this?

JS- We are using 3.3.5 for the CVS trunk though.  Are
JS- you using a newlib 1.11.0 patch?  If so, is it the one from the 4.6
JS- side of things?

Not sure - see below.

JS- Any other patches?

Here's what I started with:


(The 'generic' binutils, gcc, and newlib files may have come from
and sibs.)

I configured and built 'gcc' thus:

$ powerpc-rtems-gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-rtems/3.3.5/specs
Configured with: /usr/src/gcc-3.3.5/configure --target=powerpc-rtems
--enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-threads --with-newlib --prefix=/usr/local
Thread model: rtems
gcc version 3.3.5

Does that look appropriate?

Also, in I now see 'gcc-3.4.0' as a
'generic' with a RTEMS patch, and 'newlib-1.12.0' with no RTEMS patch. Would
these be better starting points for 4.6.2? Is 4.6.2 a good choice for a
system being developed in the next few months?

Thanks for any comments.

Happy New Year - 2005!

 - John

John M. Mills
Staff Engineer
EMS Technologies
660 Engineering Drive
Norcross, GA 30092
770.263.9200 ext4882

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