termios with high baud rate...

Chris Johns cjohns at cybertec.com.au
Fri Jan 16 21:28:55 UTC 2004

Stan wrote:
> My application is a simple buffer.
> It must to work without hardware handshaking ( at least at 57600 ).
> The 5206e ColdFire is fast ( 50 Mhz ),  it should be fast enough
> for do it.

An RTEMS call exists in termios to change the default buffer sizes. I 
have found this has helped in the past. The call is defined in 
'rtems/libio.h' and is:

  rtems_status_code rtems_termios_bufsize (
    int cbufsize,     /* cooked buffer size */
    int raw_input,    /* raw input buffer size */
    int raw_output    /* raw output buffer size */

Note: The new buffer sizes only effects a tty opened after the call is 
made. It does not try to change the size of open ttys.

  Chris Johns, cjohns at cybertec . com . au

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