Inaccurate time measurements. Help Please

Angelo Fraietta afraiett at
Sun Mar 7 17:59:37 UTC 2004

sashti srinivasan wrote:

>Hello All,
>      I want an accuracy of 1 microsecond on pc386
>bsp.  Hence I did the following.
What speed is your processor? Your app will be spending a lot of time 
inside the task switching routine and not much time doing anything else.

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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Joel wrote:
> sashti srinivasan wrote:
>> Hello,
>>    Thanks.  I will post the sources shortly.  It will
>> be a great help if you help me to solve the other
>> problem.  That is, If I use the functions
>> Read_timer(), Intialize_timer(), I get the error "raw
>> handler connexion failed".  Is it possible to get away
>> with it?  Same is the case with distributed timing
>> test tm01.exe.  

> No.  There may be something wrong with the pc386 BSP.

> Can someone else confirm that tm01.exe runs for them
> on a PC386 BSP?

Yes, tm01.exe gets the error on pc486 also :-(
with rtems 4.6.0 relaese

Best regards,
 Gregory                            mailto:gregmatu at

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